For car enthusiasts, vehicle care is more than just a task – it's a reflection of passion and appreciation. A well-maintained paintwork exudes elegance while protecting the vehicle from external influences. With the Swissvax care series, you can achieve impressive shine and long-lasting protection. In this article, we explain the essential steps of comprehensive care – from washing to paint cleaning and polishing, all the way to the innovative ceramic coating Keramiq9.
1. Handwashing: The first step to a scratch-free surface
A thorough hand wash forms the foundation of any high-quality vehicle care. The Swissvax Car Bath is a specially formulated shampoo that gently cleans the paintwork without gloss enhancers, preserving the natural look of the paint. At the same time, the risk of micro-scratches is reduced.
- Fill two buckets with warm water and add a capful of Car Bath in one of the buckets.
- Rinse the vehicle with clear water to remove loose dirt.
- Use a Swissvax Washpudel to wash the vehicle from top to bottom. Rinse the wash mitt regularly in the bucket with clean water before dipping it back into the shampoo.
- Then, rinse the car thoroughly and dry it with a Micro-Dry Tuch.
To remove insect residues, place a Swissvax cloth soaked in lukewarm water on the affected areas for a few minutes. Then gently wipe off, without rubbing.
2. Paint Cleaning with Paint Rubber: The foundation for a smooth finish
A smooth paint surface requires thorough deep cleaning. With the Swissvax Paint Rubber you remove deposits such as rust spots, spray mist, and industrial dust. This creates the optimal base for the following care steps.
- Spray Quick Finish onto the surface to be treated.
- Gently glide the Paint Rubber clay over the surface. If the paint is still not smooth, repeat the process.
- Then treat the cleaned surface with Cleaner Fluids and prepare for the next step.
3. Polishing with Cleaner Fluids: Paint care for brilliant shine
After cleaning the paint, polishing is an important step to prepare the paint for waxing. The Swissvax Cleaner Fluids (Regular, Medium, Strong) are pH-neutral and work without abrasives. They gently remove light scratches, tar stains, tree resin, and residues of old wax.
- Apply the Cleaner Fluid Regular with a Swissvax Stoffapplikator in straight motions. Avoid circular movements.
- Wipe off the Cleaner Fluid with a Micro-Fluffy Mikrofasertuch before it dries. Regularly turn the cloth to avoid scratches.
4. Waxing: Protective gloss layer for the paint
The handmade Swissvax Wachse gives the paintwork impressive depth and provides protection against environmental influences. Each Swissvax wax is specially designed to create a protective layer that shields the paint from dirt and light scratches.
- Apply the wax with a Swissvax Schwammapplikator or your palm to create an even layer.
- Allow the wax to work for a few minutes without letting it completely dry.
- Gently wipe the wax to a high shine with a Micro-Fluffy Tuch, turning the cloth regularly.
After waxing, leave the paint untouched for three hours. Ideally, place the vehicle in the sun later to activate the wax layer and further enhance the shine.
5. Ceramic Coating with Keramiq9: Long-term protection for the exterior
For maximum protection, Swissvax offers the innovative Keramiq9. This spray ceramic creates an invisible, water-repellent layer that protects the vehicle from environmental influences for up to 12 months and shows impressive beading behavior.
- Clean the paint surface thoroughly and degrease it with Prep Fluid.
- Moisten a Micro-Absorb-Tuch (rosa) and apply 10 sprays of Keramiq9 evenly to the surface.
- Immediately wipe off with a Micro-Polish-Tuch (blau) to achieve a streak-free finish.
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